Assessment Platform


Software uses standardised tests but adjusts the thresholds on general crew population applying Artificial Intelligence.


The most advanced platform using a custom made test-flow for ultimate results.

What is IMEQ© Ocean Testing?+

  • A unique online proctored pre-employment test for seafarers that serves as a fundamental component of our prevention program.
  • IMEQ's© OCEAN TESTING has a unique advantage over other remote online platforms: IMEQ's© PLATFORM incorporates a unique Test Flow Process designed to secure accurate results via automatic administration of additional testing if needed prior to logging out.
  • IMEQ's© utilizes well validated standardized and non-standardized assessment tools designed to evaluate a broad range of psychological attributes by detecting active psychological distress, assessing ways of coping with stressful and difficult situations, and measuring a normal range of attributes and traits that have been associated, after job analysis, with essential functions, duties and working conditions onboard.
  • IMEQ's© Platform software features machine learning algorithm to accurately predict psychological health, safety and job fit.
  • Candidates complete OCEAN TESTS by accessing IMEQ's© REMOTE ONLINE TEST PLATFORM
  • IMEQ© upon authorization from maritime company or agency registers and activates company and candidate accounts.
  • Maritime companies and agency authorized users receive username and password activation details to log on to company portal to view candidate results , reports and access company analytics.
  • Company authorized users may also directly register candidates via personal company portal.
  • Candidates automatically receives username and password activation details, and may log on to IMEQ's© PLATFORM to complete assigned tests.
  • Companies have direct access to automated reports and results streamlining the hiring decisions.
  • Companies using Ocean IV ( Psychosocial Risk Assessment) can have direct access to reports and results of the psychosocial risk factors associated with work related stress, employee wellbeing, burnout and psychological health.
  • Ocean IV is completed remotely online, and company authorized users have direct access and information relevant to psychosocial risk factors in the workplace that can have a negative impact on employee psychological health and safety if not properly managed.
  • Candidates compete tests online , name and personal info, is encrypted for accurate reporting.
  • Candidate results are compared to a benchmark of a large organizational data set, and an overall report is generated that includes both risk factors identified and suggestions to improve workplace and employee wellbeing. All reporting is color coded for easy reading.
  • Analytics available for benchmarking and intra company comparison and analysis.


For ratings & officers

Platform Tutorial

26% from 1000 seafarers

Seafarers show signs of depression


Maritime accidents due to human error

Seafarers fall within the occupational groups with the highest risk for stress, a factor associated with poor mental health. Common psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and alcohol or drug dependence are prominent health problems within the maritime industry.

We assist the maritime industry to implement processes that reduce incidents onboard due to human error, whilst creating a psychologically healthier and safer environment for onboard crew.

Our platform uses standardized and evidence based assessment tools to properly detect symptoms of poor mental health, recognize personality traits and attributes, and behaviors associated with performance of essential job related functions and safety onboard, that serve as markers for optimal job performance.


Why Implement Psychological Screening & Personality Assessment to your Crew


Provides mental health, resilience and job fit profile for ensuring safe and sustainable hiring. Identifies risk factors for roles that may compromise personal safety. Streamlines hiring decisions and safeguards psychological health and safety onboard.


Provides job suitability fit ratings for promoting the right candidate to the right position. This assessment is a great tool to promoting.


The crew's mental health assessments are essential to preserve resilient teams and prevent incidents onboard.


Periodic insights with regard to sociocultural and psychological risks allow improvements onboard, as well as within a corporate environment.

For ashore dpts & crew


The Psychosocial Risk Assessment Inventory is an ideal method for identifying workplace and personal risk factors that can impact employee psychological health and workplace wellbeing. It involves a series of tools that assess risk factors associated with Work Related Stress, the Well Being of the employees relevant to the job or work environment, their overall wellbeing and their Personal Health. The Psychosocial Risk Assessment is intended to provide you with information regarding various aspects of the working conditions relevant to six areas of the work environment, that can have a negative impact on employee health if not properly managed. The results of the candidate are compared to a benchmark of a large organisational data set. The Well Being Inventory assesses personal and work related burn out levels. Personal Health Inventory screens employee's current state of anxiety or negative mood relevant to work.

A color coded comprehensive report is generated along with suggestions to help you gain a better understanding of the key areas associated with work related stress in order to identify, evaluate risks and implement policies and action plans to tackle work related stress. Maritime companies can use OCEAN IV to assess departments and compare their job performance, and identify corporate mental health risks. OCEAN IV is a unique package consisting of 60 questions, thus making it easy for employees in high pace working environments to complete.

View Report



A pc monitor
  • Remote online testing is an increasingly popular and cost effective practice in the hiring process, with a growing number of companies utilizing online pre-employment testing.
  • IMEQ© is a leading provider of remote online pre-employment testing especially designed for seafarers and the maritime industry, that features an automated test flow system, test proctoring and instant reporting.
  • Candidates complete the tests remotely online.
  • All inventories contain internal validity and reliability scales for result credibility.
  • Our comprehensive screening process includes a number of well validated inventories that evaluate a broad range of attributes, traits and behaviors relevant to seafaring .
  • Candidates are assigned a reference number and a password and are instructed to complete the tests automatically assigned to them, depending on their rank.
  • Reports and results are automatically generated and employers have immediate access to the results via their computer screen.
  • The average completion time is about 45 minutes for officers and 20 minutes for cadets however that depends on the OCEAN Packages that will be chosen for each group.
  • All testing is easily administered from your desktop via secured online connection, following the interview, adding utility value to the hiring process.
  • IMEQ© Platform data maintains the highest security standards, using industry standard encryption and protocols & system logs measures.

Online Assessment


IMEQ's© test Flow

Results within 24 hours

Automated Reports & Results

Standardised Tests

Online Support


Data Security

GDPR compliant

Free Trial

Our Technology

Our software uses Microsoft Azure technology and is a cloud based database. We are constantly updating our GDPR policies according to updated regulations. All documents and authorizations are integrated within the platform where users sign and accept terms.

Test Flow

The greatest advantage of our software is the Test Flow created by mental health experts. A user starts with 2-3 tests and depending to the candidate's answers, the system detects symptomatology and redirects to additional testing. This function creates the ultimate results, whilst providing the Employer the ultimate guide for hiring decisions.


Recommended for Ratings*


This package provides the client with a full overview of the psychological distress and problem solving style of the candidate. The system detects possible symptomatology that may affect job functioning onboard.

20 min



Recommended for Office based employees & Officers during Promotion*

OCEAN I - Premium

A comprehensive assessment that combines both psychological and personality assessment tools designed to detect active psychological distress, ways of coping with stressful situations and personality traits associated with success on the job.

20 min



Recommended for officers and Office based employees*


This package provides the client with a detail overview of the candidate's personality traits based on the big 5 personality traits and generates job fit and levels of resiliency. This package is intended for ashore personnel and company employees.

35 min



Recommended for officers*


This package includes both OCEAN I & OCEAN II. It is a complete assessment used as a pre-employment tool for officers for hiring and promotion.

50 min



Recommended for vessels' comparative analysis or ashore departments *


This package assesses work stressors, well-being and personal mental health. It is intended to assist companies to evaluate work stressors in six major areas and provide companies with suggestions for implementing and improving organizational well-being.

Companies can have an overview of departments' performance across the organization that includes a comparative analysis across departments.

15 min



Pending for Launch


This package includes Leadership Style of candidate and EQ testing in order to assist in evaluating one's leadership skills and performance. EQ is the number one predictor of professional success and excellence.

30 min
