Trainings & Seminars

Our Mental Health Awareness Programs are facilitated at your premises and are both interactive and educational. Each module has a four-hour (4) duration. Part one comprises of 3 hours of educational material. Part two is 1 hour of experiential / interactive learning.

The introductory module is a pre-requisite for modules 2 and 3. During the introductory module, participants are informed about mental health issues, the most common disorders encountered onboard, and about prevention and risk factors associated with seafaring. Participants will have the opportunity to learn signs and symptoms of most common disorders, to identify red flag signs, and how to effectively address issues of concern onboard.

In addition, a hard and an electronic copy containing information on signs, symptoms and tips onboard will be distributed to each participant. The program aims to promote wellbeing at sea, and knowledge on the topic of mental health. The program includes videos, workshops, and training and intervention techniques.

All material is provided by IMEQ©. Certification of attedance and participation awarded upon completion of the trainning session.


Modules Subjects

Module 1

Understanding mental health and its implications in the Work environment

  • What is mental health
  • Defining mental health in the workplace
  • Identifying risk factors associated with poor mental health.
  • Understanding the signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder.
  • Learning to identify red flag signs.
  • Tips to managing mental health issues Onboard.
  • WORKSHOP – Case Scenario : Learning to identify red flag signs and developing strategies to deal with mental health issues Onboard.

Module 2

Trauma & PTSD

  • Defining trauma and understanding potential traumatic events (PTEs) onboard understanding the effects of trauma and clinical manifestations of trauma.
  • Defining PTSD, signs and symptoms, risk factors and protective factors against PTSD.
  • Developing strategies to preventing and managing trauma and PTSD Onboard.
  • WORKSHOP: Learning to conduct a defusing session after exposure to a traumatic event.

Module 3

Stress & anxiety

  • Understanding stress, anxiety and chronic stress.
  • Defining causes, signs and symptoms and risk factors.
  • Identifying work related stress factors onboard.
  • Understanding burnout and identifying red flag signs.
  • Understanding the effects of stress and developing practices to effectively deal with stress.
  • WORKSHOP: Developing stress management programs Onboard.

Module 4

Communication & conflict resolution: Working in a multicultural environment

  • What is communication and the transactional model of communication.
  • The importance of communication and the potential problems to communication.
  • Understanding verbal, non-verbal and miscommunication.
  • The importance of communication to vessel organization and culture.
  • The role of culture, social norms and language on communication and conflict onboard.
  • Tips to conflict management and resolution.
  • WORKSHOP: The Six Step Process of Constructive Dialogue and conflict resolution.

Module 5

Dealing with Conflict & Anger

  • Understanding interpersonal communication.
  • What is conflict and its implications in the living and working environment.
  • Different types of conflict and conflict resolution and management skills.
  • Defining Anger and understanding the role of negative emotions in conflict.
  • Learning skills for managing anger applying the constructive dialogue to managing conflict.
  • WORKSHOP: Developing an anger management program.

Module 6

Leadership : The emotional intelligent leader

  • Define leadership models and styles and functions.
  • Understanding leadership and management.
  • Understanding differences between leadership and management.
  • Understanding visionary leadership and best practices.
  • WORKSHOP: Leading others with emotional intelligence: practicing emotional intelligence principles: self awareness, self regulation, social awareness and empathy.

Module 7

Creating vital working teams in a high performance organization

  • Defining teamwork.
  • Understanding the role of teams in organizations.
  • Understanding teamwork processes and characteristics of effective teams.
  • Types of working teams.
  • Differences between working groups and teams.
  • Team communication, conflict and conflict resolution.
  • WORKSHOP: Applying mindfulness to working teams.

Module 8

Developing well-being programs onboard and ashore

  • Introduction to well-being programs. Steps to implementing a well being policy.
  • Analysing mental health issues.
  • Developing a policy.
  • Obtaining leadership commitment and employee participation.
  • Developing strategies.
  • Implementing and evaluating policies.
  • WORKSHOP: Developing and applying a well-being policy for your organization.